Saturday, February 17, 2007

It's been about 3 weeks since my last wash & retightnin and I decided to try a few new things. Someone had posted on the Lockitup group that it was beneficial to put the Sisterlocks shampoo on your hair and let it stay for 5 minutes. I did this cuz as I've said before, I have some slight build up in the back of my head and I want to get rid of this. I will eventually try an Apple Cidar rinse but, as I keep saying I'm waiting for the one year mark and then I'm gone be BUSTIN LOOSE and tryin a lot of things. There is no written rule or commandment that I wait till one year but it's just a personal commitment that I've made to self and to my locks. I've also seen other sistas doin Bantu Knots on their hair and lettin 'em loose after they dry. Well as of this postin I've haven't taken 'em out. I'll repost to let y'all know if any of these new (to me) technineeks had any + or - effects. Oooooh one thing I can tell ya is that I love havin a clean head of locks. After I rinsed reeeeal good and squeezed out the excess water my locks really look long. I'll be glad when my after wash length becomes my real length and so on and so on and Shooby dooby, dooby.

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